Friday, January 24, 2014

SNOW days!!

3 snow days so far!! Hopefully, we will not have anymore this year.  Because of the holiday, the half day and the snow day, this was an even shorter week than what was expected.  With that being said, we were still able to accomplish a lot this week.

In math, we have started multiplying.  Yes, multiplying.  We began by solving number stories and drawing pictures.  Drawing pictures as simple as circles or boxes with tallies or dots in them help the students begin to understand multiplication.  By the end of the year, the students will begin learning multiplication facts.  Keep in mind that they should still be practicing addition and subtraction facts.

Our focus this week in reading was finding the main idea using key details.  We practiced by reading several stories like "Why People Drum", "They've Got the Beat" and "Many Ways to Enjoy Music."  We also reviewed prefixes, using punctuation in sentences and combining sentences.

We took something we learned about in reading, alliteration, and used that in our writing lesson this week.  Each student took there first name and create a sentence using alliteration.  Some of the sentences were very silly.

We were able to fit in two of our favorite lessons this week in social studies and science.  In science, we tested our solids to see if they floated or not.  Some of our solids actually did both.  In social studies, the students went to work in the Wells Toy Factory.  They became assembly line workers to create a clown toy.  They had a tough "boss" who wanted to production line to move faster.  It was interesting to see how thw "workers" began to change their work to keep up with production.

Look like more snow on the way!  Try to have a great weekend.