Friday, September 25, 2015

"Wells"bury Heights

In social studies, we have been studying communities.  We discussed places to live, work, play and solve problems in a community.  The students then created a community on their own.  They were responsible for making these places.  Then we decided as a class where the best location for each place would be.  Look closely and you will see Borough Hall, the police department and the fire department located centrally in "Wells"bury Heights.

Our essential question this week in reading was "How can a pet be an important friend?"  We read a story about a boy who got his dog from the animal shelter and how he became his best friend. We also read a story about a boy whose pet was a goldfish.  In the beginning, he wanted to trade his fish in for a different pet, but by the end of the story he appreciated and loved his pet goldfish.  

We are finishing up our addition fact unit and moving on next week to subtraction facts.  The students have been doing a lot of fact practice in class and are up for the challenge.  Today we played some fun math games, including Prodigy math.  Remember this is a great way to practice math at home while also having some fun.  

To wrap up our balance investigation in science, we watched a video of some amazing acrobats balancing with their own bodies.  Then we completed a worksheet to test what we have learned. 

The most exciting news of the week is that we started reading a second grade tradition and favorite, The Witches by Roald Dahl.  

I am pretty sure that the class is convince that I am a member of the secret society of witches.  I'll never tell. ;)

Have a great weekend.  Remember Monday is a Teacher's Inservice.

Friday, September 18, 2015

The Great Pencil Trick

Would you believe me if I told you that the second graders got a pencil to balance on a craft stick? Well they did!!

Using the concepts they learned in science about balancing they were able to complete the task. We used clothespins as "counterweights".  The counterweights must be below the balance point.  Great job class!!
In reading our topic of the week was How Are Families Around the World the Same and Different? 
We read about how different cultures eat different foods, celebrate different holidays and live in different homes.  We practiced identifying the characters, setting and events.  We also practiced visualizing while we read.
In math, we continue to focus on facts and how to use different strategies when adding.  Next week, we will begin to add three numbers together.
In social studies we are learning about communities.  We have discussed how people live, work and play in their community. 
Today we kicked-off our One School One Book celebration. We met with our book buddies from 4th grade and learned about our book, The One and Only Ivan.  Of course, I'm partial to this book because it's about a gorilla.
Thank you to all of the parents who attended Back to School Night this week.  We have such great parental support in our community! 
Have a great weekend....

Friday, September 11, 2015

Monkey Manners

This week we read a Scholastic News article about how monkeys can teach us manners.  Did you know that marmoset monkeys take turns when they communicate?  That's just one reason why monkeys are AWESOME.

This tied in with our weekly reading theme:  How do friends depend on each other?  We read stories about friends and how they can help each other through several kinds of problems.  In one of the stories, Mouse is afraid of his Snake because Skunk told him that Snake would eat him.  He was so worried that he wasn't paying attention and fell into a hole.  Guess who helped him out.....Snake, his friend after all.

We also did two other activities that relate to friendship.  One of the activites was How Full is Your Bucket?  We read a book about bucket filling and took a pledge to be bucket fillers, not bucket dippers.

The other friendship activity we did was with the book Enemy Pie.  The story was about how a boy thought another boy was his enemy.  His father made "enemy pie" to give to his son's enemy which turned out to be real pie because in the end the boys became friends.  We wrote ingredients for "Friendsip Pie".

We started our science unit this week:  Balance and Motion.  The first activity we did involved a crayfish.  No, not a real crayfish....a paper cut out of one.  The students were given the task to balance the crayfish on their fingertip.  This was not quite a challenge for them so then I asked them to balance the crayfish on its nose.  They needed a little help from clothespins otherwise known as counterweights.  But they completed the challenge with flying colors!!  Great job class!!

It has been a great week.  Keep in mind that Tuesday is Back to School night.  Hope to see you all there!!

Friday, September 4, 2015

First week down...

This week the second graders have been busy learning classroom routines.  We have been discussing our school wide theme…Reach New "Heights" of Friendship.  This started with our hallway bulletin board.  Check it out!!
We read a book called Rainbow Friends.  This book focused on how everyone is different. We discussed the qualities that makes a person a good friend.  Then the students made themselves and wrote those qualities on their "t-shirt".  We hung the pictures (with the other second grade) in a colorful rainbow in our hallway.

We also discussed this week how to be a successful second grader.  We brainstormed some ideas like follow directions, be respectful, and try your best.  Then the second graders made backpacks!!

We established groups this week.  You will learn all about the groups and what special thing happens at the end of the month.  Notice anything about the group names???

Remember to check in weekly to get updates from our class. Have a great long weekend.  
Goodbye summer!!   

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Welcome to Second Grade 2015-2016

Welcome to Mrs. Wells' second grade blog.  This first week of school is a time for the students and I to get to know one another.  We have some fun activities planned. Next week we will begin our regular schedule.  I look forward to seeing you at Back to School night on September 15.  I will be sharing a lot of information about our class.  Please check back weekly to the blog for updates about the classroom, to see photos of the students' work and information about school in general.