Friday, September 11, 2015

Monkey Manners

This week we read a Scholastic News article about how monkeys can teach us manners.  Did you know that marmoset monkeys take turns when they communicate?  That's just one reason why monkeys are AWESOME.

This tied in with our weekly reading theme:  How do friends depend on each other?  We read stories about friends and how they can help each other through several kinds of problems.  In one of the stories, Mouse is afraid of his Snake because Skunk told him that Snake would eat him.  He was so worried that he wasn't paying attention and fell into a hole.  Guess who helped him out.....Snake, his friend after all.

We also did two other activities that relate to friendship.  One of the activites was How Full is Your Bucket?  We read a book about bucket filling and took a pledge to be bucket fillers, not bucket dippers.

The other friendship activity we did was with the book Enemy Pie.  The story was about how a boy thought another boy was his enemy.  His father made "enemy pie" to give to his son's enemy which turned out to be real pie because in the end the boys became friends.  We wrote ingredients for "Friendsip Pie".

We started our science unit this week:  Balance and Motion.  The first activity we did involved a crayfish.  No, not a real crayfish....a paper cut out of one.  The students were given the task to balance the crayfish on their fingertip.  This was not quite a challenge for them so then I asked them to balance the crayfish on its nose.  They needed a little help from clothespins otherwise known as counterweights.  But they completed the challenge with flying colors!!  Great job class!!

It has been a great week.  Keep in mind that Tuesday is Back to School night.  Hope to see you all there!!