Friday, January 31, 2014

Please Groundhog...Don't See Your Shadow!!!

Happy Groundhog Day!  Let's hope the little critter does not see his shadow.  I have had enough of winter. How about you?  We made some prediction about what we would like the groundhog to do.  Most of the students are ready for spring.  Some of the reasons were: so they can ride their bikes, see the pretty flowers, play outside and some are just sick of being cold.

Here are some of our groundhogs we have hanging in the hallway.

This week in reading we finished up Unit 3.  The students were given a weekly assessment test.  They were tested on skills like main idea and key details, prefixes and antonyms.  The next day we reviewed the test to see how well they did in preparation for our Unit Assessment next week.

We also began a technology project with the help of our favorite computer teacher, Mrs. Selby.  We researched a musical instrument.  We found information like when it was invented, what is looks like, what musical family does it belong to and any other interesting facts.  The students took that research and made powerpoint slides which even included a sound byte of the instrument.  Look for this presentation at Best of Heights Night.

In math, we actually started to dabble in some division.  The students were given very simple number stories and asked to draw pictures to begin to understand the concept of division.  We also had our Unit 6 Test.  These tests will come home next week.  We still need to practice subtracting.  Please try to remind your child of our Subtraction Poem.

More on Top, no need to stop;
More on the Floor, go next door and get 10 more;
Numbers the same, zeroes the game.

Today the students were given another math fact test.  I gave an incentive to beat the previous score.  Any student who beat their score received a homework pass.  Great job for those of you that earned it.  The homework pass looks like this:

This homework pass can be used for one night of homework.  The students are responsible to hold on to this pass and use it when they want.

This week in science, we tested our solids to see if they are magnetic or not.  The students were surprised to see that some of the solids even though they were metal did not stick to the magnet.  In social studies, we learned about how a product goes from a farm to a store to be sold.  We even  pretended to be different forms of transportation, and transported our clown toys from last week from the "factory"(front of the classroom) to the "toy store" (back bookshelf).

The weather should be getting a little warmer.  Have a great weekend.