Thursday, February 16, 2017

Golden Lion Tamarin Fundraiser a Success!!

This week was our fundraiser for the golden lion tamarin.  We collected donations from students and staff.  With each donation, we gave away a water bottle to help defer people from bringing in the "throw away" type water bottles.  We do not have a final dollar amount yet that we collected but when we do, I will be sure to announce it.

We started a new unit this week in reading about the world and what makes it interesting.  We learned about different regions of the United States.  We also read about and compared the tropical rain forest and the temperate rain forest.

The students took a math test on time and money this week.  Overall, the students did really well especially with the money.  Many students still could use some practice learning time.  We played time BINGO today to practice.

This week we celebrated 100 day with a few fun activities.  First, the students got a look at themselves at 100 years old.  They wrote about things they will like, dislike, eat, drink and do when they are 100.  The other activity they did was write about what they would do with $100.  These should be coming home today for you to read.  They are really funny and inventive.

Happy President's Day...Enjoy your long weekend!!