Friday, February 19, 2016

Volcanoes and Earthquakes

This week we read stories about how the Earth changes.  We read about beach erosion, volcanoes and earthquakes.  The students enjoyed hearing my story about remembering the earthquake that hit in the summer of 2011.  We practiced identifying cause and effect in our stories.

We continued to practice measuring this week.  The students created measurment posters.  The rules were to create a poster with a scene of their choice using several measurements in inches.

Mrs. Taylor taught us about Jackie Robinson in social studies.  Did you know that his number 42 has been retired from baseball? In science, we sorted materials into matter categories: solid, liquid, & gas.  
We read a book this week called The Wobbly Tooth.  Then the students wrote a story about a time when they lost a tooth.  We brainstormed ideas and the students helped each other edit the stories for mistakes and to give more ideas on how they can make the story better.  

The weather is going to warm up this weekend so go outside and have some fun.