Friday, March 20, 2015

We All Just Wanna Be Big Rock Stars!!

This week we finished up our class book and it is on its way to be published.  I'm so excited to see the finished product.  One of our lucky students even designed the cover.

Since our book was complete, we started a new writing project.  We wrote a narrative about what it would be like to trade places with our favorite TV, movie or rock star.  The students had some great ideas like riding in limos, performing in concerts and just spending a lot of money.

This week we read poems about nature in reading.  We talked about how the poet shows his or her feelings in writing.  We found similies and rhyming words in the poems.  We also discussed the theme or message of the poems.  

We started practicing telling time in math.  This is a skill that needs some practice. Any practice you can do at home is very helpful.  The expectation is that second graders should be able to tell time to the nearest five minutes.  We played time bingo today for some extra practice.

In science we compared the properties of solids to the properties of liquids.  We found some similiarities like they both have color.  We also discovered that one thing they do not have in common is shape, liquid takes the shape of whatever you put it in.  In social studies we read about how communities get bigger and smaller when people move in or out. Sometimes, communities get run down and must be rebuilt.  The students were asked to take a run down community and decide whether to rebuild some buildings or fix them up. 

Today is the first day of spring.  Someone needs to let Mother Nature know that...snow is falling!!
Make sure you check out the class news page for the updated school calendar.