Friday, February 21, 2014

Valentine's Day...Again?

Thanks to our snow days we were forced to change our Valentine's party to today.  The students are excited to finally have their party.  Their bags are all ready for the treats and cards from their classmates.

This week we finished up Unit 7 in math and had an assessment.  Look for these to come home next week.  Keep in mind that from here on out this year, many of the skills you will see on test are beginning skills.  Please do not get discouraged when you see your child's math score if it is lower than you had hoped.  On the Unit 7 test, one of the skills that is new to the students is finding the median.  After several reminders from me, many of the student forgot an important step:  putting the numbers in order.

Our next unit focuses on fractions.  This is another one of those skills that is difficult for beginners.  Your child may need more assistance than usual with the homework.  Please let me know if your child is struggling.

In reading this week, our essential question was "How does the earth change?"  We read some interesting stories about earthquakes and volcanoes.  We learned about erosion and what happens to the beaches when they get eroded.  We practiced rereading and learned a new comprehension skill this week:  cause and effect.  To help the students understand I made this chart:

In science this week, we started our unit on liquids.  We observed two liquids, glue and water, and compared their likes and differences.  In social studies, we played pantomimes with different kinds of services jobs.  The students created their own props and acted out their service job.

I hope you all got a chance to see the book report that was sent home on Wednesday this week.  They are due no later than March 7.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about it.

Have a nice weekend.  Enjoy the nice weather because rumor has it that more snow is on the way.