Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

This week we continued our unit on Folktales.  We reviewed the elements of a Folktale and read some stories that have these elements.

We started the week with Rapunzel.  Then we made our own Rapunzel's including the characters, setting, magical elements, happy ending and the problem and solution.

Then we read The Three Little Pigs and created a "Wanted" poster for the villain of the story.

We ended the short week by watching a Rumpelstiltzkin movie and looking for the same characteristics of that story as well.

For writing this week, after viewing a presentation of the Presidents of the United States, the students were asked to choose 3 presidents that they would be interested in learning more about.  Each student was then assigned one of the choices and researched that President in the computer lab.  We will be sharing our reports next week.

We continued our unit on fractions in math.  We had a special project creating fraction sundaes.

In Science, we began comparing liquids.  Some of the liquids we used were glue, oil, shampoo and oil.  We compared them by touching them and looking at them through a magnifying glass, stirring them and placing droplets on wax paper.

In Social Studies, we continued to discuss service jobs.  We created puppets of each job and discussed why we would like to do that job. 

Finally, we celebrated Valentine's Day.  The students made cards for the special people in their lives.  They distributed cards to each other.  We ended our short week with a party.  Thank you parents for contributing to the party.  The students made a few crafts and were treated with lots of goodies.

Have a nice long weekend!!