Friday, September 7, 2012

First Day of School

Our first day of school was great!  I was thrilled to meet all of my new students and can't wait to get to know them better.  Today we discussed many of our class procedures and came up with the 5 rules for our class together:                 
                                             1.  RESPECT
                                             2.  RESPONSIBILITY
                                             3.  GOOD MANNERS
                                             4.  KINDNESS
                                             5.  ALWAYS TRY YOUR BEST

All of the students signed the poster pledging to follow these rules throughout the school year.

We read and discussed a book called First Day Jitters.  Ask your child about it.  We even tried to get rid of our own jitters with special "Jitter Juice."  The students played a game called "Find a Friend" then make a special poster about a new friend.

Keep in mind that Back to School night is next Thursday.  Hope to meet you all there and to get to know the families that belong to the students.