I mentioned last week that the students were researching sea turtles. This week the project was completed. We created sea turtles and typed up the reports during computer class. The students did a great job on both.
This week in reading our essential question was "How are offspring like their parents?" We read about several animals and how the adults take care of their babies. The students were fascinated to learn about the emperor penquins and how the dad stays with the egg for two months without eating. They also thought it was funny to learn that the adult wolves will chew food and spit the chewed food into the pups' mouths.
We finished our Place Value unit in math with an assessment. I will be showing you the results of this test at conference. After Thanksgiving break, we will be starting our new unit, Two Digit Addition and Subtraction.
To celebrate the upcoming holiday we had some fun making Turkey Glyphs. The students created a turkey that they colored according to how they answered certain questions. Can you guess which turkey is your child's?
Today was our annual JDRF walk. Our school is committed to raising money for juvenile diabetes. Hopefully, we will have raised enough money to do our annual teacher dances.
Remember half days next week....off Thursday and Friday. Have a great weekend.