Thank you to all of the parents that were able to visit our classroom on Wednesday. I hope you had a nice time and really got an idea of how our classroom works.
This week we had our first test in reading. The students did very well on this test. They will be coming home this weekend for you to sign and return. You will see their score as well as the criterion score. All of the scores on this test were better than the criterion!! Great Job, 2-Wells.
In writing, we learned a new way to start our stories using BOLD BEGINNINGS. We want our stories to "catch the readers eye" and start out strong so that the reader does not get bored.
We are still working on math facts and different ways to add and subtract. The next math assessment will be on Tuesday on Unit 2.
In social studies, we have begun learning about maps. We discussed this week how reading a map has become obsolete with new technology. Most of the students were more familiar with a GPS than a map. We have finished our unit on spinning in science and will be proceeding to rolling. We will be using wheels and ramps!!
Have a nice week!!