Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!

First and foremost, I would like to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving.  I definitely will be counting my blessings and one of them is to be teaching at our great school.  I am thankful for the students I teach and their families as well.  Enjoy your family time!! Here are a couple of the Thankful Trees we made last week.

This week we started a new theme in reading and our essential question was "What do we love animals?" We read several poems about different animals and discussed what the authors liked about each animal. We learned about rhyming poems and how they are different than regular stories.  We also practiced using apostrophes on possessive nouns.

This week in math we actually had a game show.  We played "Guess the Attribute Block."  First, the students were called to "COME ON DOWN" and then they were given a rule and needed to choose the correct attribute block.  The students had fun!  Next week, we will be starting to teach how to add double digit numbers.  We will be teaching the students different ways to add.  Eventually, as the students become more independent they can choose which way they are most comfortable.

Today was a day that many of us look forward to every year.  Our JDRF dances!!  First, we had the Cupid Shuffle.  Cupid even made an appearance.  Then, we had the YMCA.  (This was my favorite especially because I took part in it.)  Finally, the dance the students were waiting for, What Does the Fox Say?  Mr. B once again stole the show as the Fox.  We had a lot of fun and I think the students will remember it for a long time.

Have a great long weekend!!