Friday, March 29, 2013

Spring Break is Here!!

Wow!! This year is flying by.  Can you believe it's spring already?  If only the weather would begin to cooperate.

This was week 2 of our new Reading program.  The students are loving the new informational stories. This week we read about ways the Earth changes.  We learned about beach erosion, volcanoes, forest fires and earthquakes. We have been practicing using the reread strategy.  The students discovered, after taking a practice test, that they must go back into the text and reread to understand the material.  This is not a skill that they are used to, so if you are reading with them at home, have they try this.

The students have been doing exceptionally well on their spelling words.  Thank you for your help with the new homework.  They have been learning new vocabulary as well and have even used some of the words in everyday conversation.

In Math, we practiced place value using a paper book as a tool.  The students are getting better at identifying place value up to the ten-thousands place.  When we come back from break, we will have an assessment.  Then we only have two units left!!

We met with our Book Buddies again this week and they helped us make the Easter baskets.  In keeping with our second grade tradition we dyed Easter eggs this week, too.  The students got some goodies in their baskets and got to take home their eggs as well.

We are starting to prepare the classroom for Best of Heights Night on Tuesday, April 16.  Save the Date!!

I hope to see many of at Opening Day of baseball!  Have a great break and enjoy spending the time with your family!!