Friday, January 18, 2013

Can you infer how our week went?

This week we have been spending a lot of time practicing inferencing.  The students were introduced to the famous artist, Norman Rockwell and were shown some of his famous paintings.  Then they were asked to infer what was happening in the picture.  We then used this skill to make inferences about books. 

Another Theme Test was given in reading and again the students performed very well.  They will be coming home next week for you to look over and sign.

We also ended another unit in Math with an assessment on Friday.  A difficult part of this test was the subtraction problems.  The students were given blocks to help solve the problem.  This is a beginning skill for second grade and they have yet to learn the trade/borrow method for subtraction so please do not be concerned if your child did poorly on that part of the test.

We are still studying our writing mentor, Angela Johnson.  She has shown us some interesting things she does in her books, like ellipses and comeback lines and now we have been trying to incorporate them into our stories as well.  The students published their first stories by typing them on the laptops and then illustrated them.

In Social Studies, the students became factory workers and on an assembly line they made a clown toy game.  They are learning how goods are produced in factories and then sent to companies.  We continue to study solids in Science.  We have been learning how the solids have different properties by sorting them into groups.

Enjoy the long weekend!!