What an incredible week this has been. I am sure that many of you are feeling as lucky as I am to know that our area faired well in the wake of the storm. My heart goes out to the people that suffered such devastating loss.
With the short week, we were still able to accomplish a lot in the classroom. As you are aware, the students were given a reading test this week and once again, they did very well. Today, in celebration of Halloween, some books were read to the class while the students made connections to these books. Look for the connection worksheet in their Friday folders.
We are coming to the end of another unit in Math. This unit has focused on time and money. Remember, you can always practice these at home with your child.
In writing, the students wrote reports on How to Make a Witches Brew. There were definitely some interesting ingredients...
Next week our school will be holding a mock election for President. We discussed the election and the candidates. Some of the students had definite opinions about who should be our next President.
This was our last week of Footprints. Mr. P brought a special guest this week and also a special treat for the class. The students really enjoyed this program. Listen for your children using I messages, or talking about coping skills or using a situation stop light...
We had a special assembly this week from the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation). We will again be participating in a school walk-a-thon. You should have received your envelope with the sneakers to help with donations. This year many of our staff (myself included) have volunteered to do a special dance if our jars get filled. There will be jars in the cafeteria that the students can fill with spare change. I better start practicing!!!
Keep in mind that next week is a short week. You will soon be receiving your scheduled conference time. Conferences are 11/15, 11/16, 11/19, and 11/20. If you have a conflict with your scheduled time, please let me know and I will try to resolve it the best I can. Report cards will be going home on Wednesday, 11/14.
Trick or Treat safely!!!