Friday, February 28, 2014

100 Day

This week we celebrated our 100th day of school.  It felt like we were never going to get there with all of the snow days we have had.  In honor of 100 day, we imagined what it would feel like to be 100 years old. They wrote about what they would eat (all soft foods, of course, like pudding, yogurt and mashed potatoes), what they would wear (slippers and pj's) and what they would not like (children). With the help of an app called aging booth, I was able to take each of the students' picture and age them. They really got a kick of what they would look like.  Look for these to be displayed on Best of Heights Night.
This is me at 100 years old

This week in reading our essential question was "How are kids around the world different?"  We read stories about kids from different parts of the world and how they play different games, eat different foods and do different things in school.  I think the most interesting thing to the students was that in Japan, the students take off their outside shoes and put on inside shoes.  We did a lot of comparing and contrasting between customs in our country to customs in other countries.

We learned about similies.  We practiced identifying what was being compared in a similie by reading sentences like:  Andrew was as sly as a fox and; She was as blind as a bat.

In math our focus is still on fractions.  We learned about equivalent fractions this week even played a game with fraction cards.  Next week we will end the unit on fractions.  Then we will be reviewing all of the skills we have learned thus far this year and the students will be given a Mid-Year Assessment.

In social studies, we ended our chapter on service jobs by conducting a "Career Fair."  Each student created a puppet of a specific job.  They wrote a description of that job on the back.  During the "Career Fair" the students walked around and introduced themselves and told each other about their job.

A news reporter
A doctor

In science, we continued investigating our liquids.  We talked about the properties of liquids and compared them to the properties of solids.

In celebration of Black History Month, the students watched a video and read a Scholastic News about Harriet Tubman.  The students were very impressed with the bravery that this woman had.

Next week is Dr. Seuss Spirit Week.  Please refer to the "Class News" tab for what to do each day. Also, just a reminder that book reports are due on Friday, March 7.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Valentine's Day...Again?

Thanks to our snow days we were forced to change our Valentine's party to today.  The students are excited to finally have their party.  Their bags are all ready for the treats and cards from their classmates.

This week we finished up Unit 7 in math and had an assessment.  Look for these to come home next week.  Keep in mind that from here on out this year, many of the skills you will see on test are beginning skills.  Please do not get discouraged when you see your child's math score if it is lower than you had hoped.  On the Unit 7 test, one of the skills that is new to the students is finding the median.  After several reminders from me, many of the student forgot an important step:  putting the numbers in order.

Our next unit focuses on fractions.  This is another one of those skills that is difficult for beginners.  Your child may need more assistance than usual with the homework.  Please let me know if your child is struggling.

In reading this week, our essential question was "How does the earth change?"  We read some interesting stories about earthquakes and volcanoes.  We learned about erosion and what happens to the beaches when they get eroded.  We practiced rereading and learned a new comprehension skill this week:  cause and effect.  To help the students understand I made this chart:

In science this week, we started our unit on liquids.  We observed two liquids, glue and water, and compared their likes and differences.  In social studies, we played pantomimes with different kinds of services jobs.  The students created their own props and acted out their service job.

I hope you all got a chance to see the book report that was sent home on Wednesday this week.  They are due no later than March 7.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about it.

Have a nice weekend.  Enjoy the nice weather because rumor has it that more snow is on the way.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Mosaic of My Heart

This week in celebration of Valentine's Day, the students made mosaic hearts.  Inside the hearts, they wrote special things that they love on some of the red pieces.  Then they wrote about why those things are special to them.  

This week in math we once again focused on addition and subtraction skills.  We played some basketball addition and also a game called Hit the Target.  Remember, keep practicing those facts at home!!

We did some review in reading this week and took a Unit Assessment test.  This test took place over two days.  The students were asked to read passages and then answer multiple choice and short answer questions. If you are interested in seeing how your student scored on this test, please feel free to contact me.

We finished our Social Studies unit about how goods are transported from the farm and factory to the store.  We also played a Guess My Reason game in science.  Each student sorted the solids without telling the other students in his or her group.  Then the other group members had to figure out which property the sort was based on.  

Good News....Today we had an assembly to introduce our new Humphrey book, Friendship According to Humphrey.  Our last Humphrey book was a success so we have decided to read another one as a school.  We will continue to meet with our book buddies and plan some fun activities.

More snow is on the way...Have a great weekend.